Jihadi first look at the state of Pakistan on a global platform The whole world recognizes your country as a terror state 😂😂 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.amp.html … — (vigilant_ap) |
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-0.5267 |
Https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FTerrorism%20in%20India&action=click&contentCollection=world®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=collection … — (shivkum61429412) |
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Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (traderday18) |
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-0.6808 |
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakistan_and_state-sponsored_terrorism … , https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (gsapna007) |
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So much for #loyalty of #SaudiArabia & #China, #Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on #Terrorism Listing. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … #politics #Kashmir #Taliban #AlQaeda #Afghanistan @nytimes — (imrananwar) |
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Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (prasunchat) |
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-0.6808 |
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (mariamemonurdu) |
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Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html …. .... — (wilsonaftab) |
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-0.6808 |
#China decision not to block #Pakistan terror listing nothing more than opportunism. Relations still very close, but as Trump admin bolsters ties w/ #India, will China reconsider geostrategic implications? https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (derekjgrossman) |
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-0.1896 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FGvuWm — (dajma00) |
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-0.6808 |
In hour of need, Pakistan’s “all weather friends” back off from their support. #Pakistan #Terrorism #CPEC https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (belaar) |
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0.4019 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FGvuWm — (ichinadian) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (linus_aniar) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT World https://buff.ly/2F3BVWC #news — (_sidharth) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FGvuWm “...the gray-listing will make it harder for Pakistan to access international markets, and it has $3 billion in debts coming due this summer." — (pkhambat) |
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-0.6808 |
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (jcsgc1) |
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0.0 |
Editorials in prominent Pakistani newspapers embarked on some soul-searching, asking why the country’s military — and to some extent, politicians — refuse to crack down on groups the international community has blacklisted. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (edourdoo) |
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0.0258 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FHnAw2 — (manchestercf) |
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-0.6808 |
RT ajwsmall: Pakistani officials also acknowledge, in this NYT story, that the Chinese move at the FATF was linked to Beijing's bid to head the body, not just because the Saudis had already flipped: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … pic.twitter.com/PJymgt3XO1 — (rishwatulebad) |
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https://mobile.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html?referer= https://t.co/e34Zfra7A5?amp=1#click= https://t.co/e34Zfra7A5 … — (m__dutt) |
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Pakistani officials also acknowledge, in this NYT story, that the Chinese move at the FATF was linked to Beijing's bid to head the body, not just because the Saudis had already flipped: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … pic.twitter.com/OphlWn5GHP — (ajwsmall) |
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Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FGvuWm — (fawzianaqvi1) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FHnAw2 — (rohit_l) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … via @Abihabib @nytimes — (veengasj) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (waheedwafa222) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FGvuWm — (pmlnusa) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (mw569256) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (onlinelords) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (koodeau) |
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-0.6808 |
#cbelive_com click here http://ift.tt/1dJ5qtg "Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/1dJ5qtg http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (cbelive_com) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (jbmagalhaesneto) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (erick_martie23) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (fariq787) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (fariq787) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (fariq787) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (nickafkas) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (jbmagalhaesneto) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (jbmagalhaesneto) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (magnifyk) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (akvinchrist) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (jbmagalhaesneto) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (jbmagalhaesneto) |
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-0.6808 |
News Analysis: Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing http://nyti.ms/2HXbFuF — (worldnewsbox) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (botsaigai) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html?partner=IFTTT … — (apidrama) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (mufeesingh) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (ebertolaccini) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (news0pk) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html?partner=IFTTT … via @nytimesworld — (mirogeorgiev97) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (nkc47str) |
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-0.6808 |
#Pakistan and her (not so many) friends Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FHnAw2 — (ulfbrue) |
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-0.3008 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing via @NYTimes https://nyti.ms/2FHnAw2 — (abihabib) |
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-0.6808 |
@Abihabib @salmanmasood https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (sgnaravane) |
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Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FHnAw2 — (wadekabuli1) |
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-0.6808 |
PALISTAN RETURNS TO TERRORIST RANKS. On Friday, Pakistan’s relief turned to alarm at the news that those two... https://fb.me/JeGjQA73 — (mohanguruswamy) |
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-0.694 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (sergeykarnatov) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (yaadlinksradio) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO pic.twitter.com/Sqev1cNkNN — (youssefamerniss) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html?partner=IFTTT … — (pacificbox) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO pic.twitter.com/2U56F1ssXd — (cody_e_bennett) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing - The New York Times http://pllqt.it/1WKVwl pic.twitter.com/pLGeVt7rBn — (calamur) |
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-0.6808 |
Just two days later, on Friday, Pakistan’s relief turned to alarm at the news that those two close allies had withdrawn their support, making it inevitable that Pakistan would be added in June to the “gray list” of the Financial Action Task Force! https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (traluk) |
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0.5707 |
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (minesbastos) |
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Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FGvuWm — (asiaworkstv) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://goo.gl/fb/xNqfPK — (crisisdigest) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing, via @nytimes https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html?smprod=nytcore-ipad&smid=nytcore-ipad-share … — (bh6642) |
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-0.6808 |
Keeping #Southern Asia in the overall super regional political developments. Interesting times ! Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FHnAw2 — (safeerkun) |
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0.3164 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing | New York Times http://ow.ly/Ch8i30iGW2B — (thegoodisis) |
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-0.6808 |
Retweeted #Terrorist 🐷 #Pakistan #NOTOCPEC #FreeBalochistan (@pakterrorist): https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … #HAPPYHOLI... https://fb.me/43dQiJTzm — (pakterrorist) |
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Retweeted #Terrorist 🐷 #Pakistan #NOTOCPEC #FreeBalochistan (@pakterrorist): https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … #HAPPYHOLI... https://fb.me/1TNYSoRUF — (pakterrorist) |
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https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … #HAPPYHOLI #SaveHinduInPakistan #Freebalochistan #Freepok #FreeSindh #Pashtunistan... https://fb.me/NUfaZ5qz — (pakterrorist) |
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https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … #HAPPYHOLI #SaveHinduInPakistan #Freebalochistan #Freepok #FreeSindh #Pashtunistan... https://fb.me/9kJEAQYmr — (pakterrorist) |
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https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … #HAPPYHOLI #SaveHinduInPakistan #Freebalochistan #Freepok #FreeSindh #Pashtunistan #GilgitBaltistan #FreePakistanPunjab #KhyberPakhtunkhwa #Fata #NoToCPEC #FreeTibet #boycottchina @UN @POTUS #QGvPZ #ReleaseMSMstudents #OneOfMyFav #HIXTAPEisComing #PZvQG — (pakterrorist) |
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As the Trump administration ratchets up pressure on Pakistan for not doing enough to fight terrorist groups, the country risks being increasingly isolated http://nyti.ms/2F1QPMS — (nytimesworld) |
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-0.9169 |
News Analysis: Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://goo.gl/fb/Yfyvei — (krunox123) |
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-0.6808 |
"Taller than the mountains”...but not infinitely tall. #Pakistan’s few remaining friends stand aside as #FATF adds it to global terror financing watchlist https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … pic.twitter.com/YtXdpQKACE — (setholdmixon) |
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6 |
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-0.0772 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (ismaelshahamat) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan will have a year to show it is shutting down extremist groups' financing, prosecuting their leaders, or it could have its banks cut off like those of Iran, North Korea. Already the gray-listing will make it harder to access markets https://nyti.ms/2FGvuWm — (vpasquali) |
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0.1027 |
زور کا چانٹا دھیرے سے لگے پاکستان کی ظالم اور متعصب پنجابی اسٹیبلشمنٹ اپنے زوال اور تباہی کے آخری مراحل میں ہے۔ #FreeKarachi مہم کا ایک مقصد مہاجروں کو 1971 کی غلطی دہرانے سے روکنا یے۔ Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (sahilseaview) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (upbeat_69) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://trib.al/gwwbh8O — (paknewstoday) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing http://newsbythehour.org/wars http://bit.ly/2FeJZTn — (warringworld) |
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-0.6808 |
News Analysis: Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://goo.gl/fb/8oSsmH — (namvietnetwork) |
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-0.6808 |
Putting Pakistan in the grey list is not enough; more strong steps needed to be taken by international community to hold Pak responsible for their support to terrorist groups. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (sediqsediqqi) |
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-0.5297 |
"News Analysis: Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" http://ift.tt/2oxrwbg — (elfamosocampous) |
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-0.6808 |
News Analysis: Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing http://dlvr.it/QJKWD6 pic.twitter.com/giuHOm7hmH — (journalistoxy) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (takkar1234) |
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-0.6808 |
#Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on #Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … @Abihabib — (qadirhabib) |
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0.0 |
#Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing it on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (rishwatulebad) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FGvuWm — (awaafg) |
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-0.6808 |
#Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing it on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (husainhaqqani) |
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-0.6808 |
News Analysis: Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing - The acceptance by China and Saudi Arabia of the U.S. effort to list Pakistan as too lax on terrorism financing is prompting worry, and debate, in Islamabad. http://ow.ly/CVuT50gGn9j — (gander_news_b5) |
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-0.8779 |
Pakistan's Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing - New York Times http://dlvr.it/QJKK1g — (usforeinterests) |
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-0.6808 |
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (imrannip) |
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News Analysis: Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing http://dlvr.it/QJKFQD — (stewardmag) |
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-0.6808 |
There's been a lot of soul-searching in Pakistan after two of its allies curbed their support, paving the way for the country to be added to a list of those that don't do enough to fight terrorism http://nyti.ms/2oLsd07 — (nytimesworld) |
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-0.6705 |
News Analysis: Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://goo.gl/fb/8kx8Sg — (namvietnetwork) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://fb.me/9ZlimfUng — (anjansengupta16) |
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-0.6808 |
“How does Pakistan remain a part of the regional or global system while having a tolerance for militant groups?” https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (mrafique_) |
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0.296 |
"the shock over Saudi Arabia’s and China’s eventual refusal to block action against Pakistan has made this listing sting in a way the last one never did". https://mobile.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html?referer= https://t.co/X7xong5KNP?amp=1#click= https://t.co/X7xong5KNP … — (rehamkhan1) |
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-0.7059 |
#Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FGvuWm #FATF — (anees_avis) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (murtazasolangi) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing - The New York Times https://mobile.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html?referer= … — (rehamkhan1) |
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-0.6808 |
News Analysis: Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing - The acceptance by China and Saudi Arabia of the U.S. effort to list Pakistan as too lax on terrorism financing is prompting worry, and debate, in Islamabad. http://ow.ly/zYRz50gGlIS — (gander_news_g4) |
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-0.8779 |
News Analysis: Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing - The acceptance by China and Saudi Arabia of the U.S. effort to list Pakistan as too lax on terrorism financing is prompting worry, and debate, in Islamabad. http://ow.ly/Qwqh50gGlLR — (gander_news_i4) |
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-0.8779 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (mediafriendss) |
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-0.6808 |
ExcitingAds! New News Analysis: #Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on… https://goo.gl/fb/oGBTfz — (excitingads) |
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#Kashmir Both the countries China And Saudi Arabia shielding #pakistan dumped it after Indian pressure. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (ur99) |
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-0.5994 |
News Analysis: Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html?partner=rss&emc=rss … — (angellemarc1029) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (miggsymedia) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (1milhaodetweets) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html … — (roohan2ahmed) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s shields (China & KSA) suddenly step aside, placing it on FATF's 'grey list' for terrorist financing. Pakistan originally thought it was insulated enough by Chinese investments that Beijing wouldn't allow the action to proceed https://nyti.ms/2FGvuWm — (aj_beloff) |
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-0.7324 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FHnAw2 — (salmanmasood) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing http://dlvr.it/QJJnlT pic.twitter.com/EZ0XBhbMQu — (arches_in) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (randomtweetums) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://goo.gl/fb/hR4Bxt — (newstweetstream) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter … pic.twitter.com/g2ED33AU7n — (terrorismnotes) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan's Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing - New York Times http://dlvr.it/QJJlcB — (terrorismcounte) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (givemefinesse) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (djimb3rry) |
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-0.6808 |
RT schrayguy ""Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO " — (wlenradio1039fm) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FGvuWm #Pakistan — (danwibg) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (allsweetness13) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (fariq787) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (fariq787) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (fariq787) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (fariq787) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (victnii) |
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-0.6808 |
News Analysis: Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing: The acceptance by China… https://goo.gl/fb/gznbo1 — (londied41) |
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-0.3818 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing: The acceptance by China and Saudi Arabia of the U.S. effort to list Pakistan as too lax on terrorism financing is prompting worry, and debate, in Islamabad. http://dlvr.it/QJJf5z pic.twitter.com/ieQ4zwfFJn — (thehelenwang) |
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-0.8779 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (reversetees) |
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#Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://nyti.ms/2FGvuWm — (colinpclarke) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (jivencool_it) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (tvkoolturaldgoh) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (__jamessaunders) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (dreamsnikunj) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://nyti.ms/2F2ulqV — (rhystaylor77) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (appatschool) |
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http://nyti.ms/2GW3aim — (china_watcher) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (fariq787) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (fariq787) |
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Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing https://fb.me/MDNeCs50 — (tolivelikejesus) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (mak_k88) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (paustine0) |
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-0.6808 |
Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing http://dlvr.it/QJJcjP pic.twitter.com/oEPjrk6LHA — (arches_cn) |
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-0.6808 |
News Analysis: Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing http://ift.tt/2oxrwbg — (syotfs) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (pablopmkt) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (sk2380_) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (fermartinezcue_) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" - https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html?partner=IFTTT … — (oyepakistani) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (bertotxu) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html?partner=IFTTT … — (chelseamckm) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (expressblog1) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (carlita20002000) |
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-0.6808 |
"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (tatty20111) |
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-0.6808 |
www.ugossipp.blogspot. com"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (ugossipng) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (diletydeltoro) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (alanteles1) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO pic.twitter.com/SgdL9VaZkF — (michael_gabrill) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (alejandrocolon) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (nereuvjr) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (realbobbygee) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (hello_there_boy) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (chkashifali) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (dylanhcorey) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (eguilbrand) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (chocomusette) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (realpenpencil) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (macmmedia) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (bittlesheila) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (llewellynlamaca) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (davis55_jd) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (jeno5ide) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (athenakolbe) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD... https://fb.me/K9NHiYej — (shuron_fdn) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD... https://fb.me/GvybujbW — (income77) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (anempyrean) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (shuron_fdn) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (income77) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO pic.twitter.com/O3EUpq7X4H — (moneychannelnyc) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (brooklynnycmike) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (radiowaba) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO pic.twitter.com/wOUFMo8HU5 — (jasontheinfamus) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (brikauskey) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (georgegallagher) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (ekakhbar) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (dsandidge99) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (luvthemstillers) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (kelly_john_son) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (eduardamell) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (azadbrijesh) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO pic.twitter.com/SjFNJASb5F — (boscojl65) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (truthhurts2186) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (lex_data) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (nextstudentloan) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (merentia) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (mauriziomrt) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (ddanielb1) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (tiffany_tddd) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (ricardowduran) |
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#NYT Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing http://ift.tt/2oHySrQ #Afghanistan — (eyeonafgh) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (papers_int) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (mobeenchughtai) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (zotikos10) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD... https://fb.me/1U2VddtVo — (pakitter) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (by_the_pool) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (hellenico) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (amiv2) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (pakitter) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (maliktaymur) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (jbmagalhaesneto) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (al3atri) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (jbmagalhaesneto) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (reeceobryan) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (gus_otto) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (brunbesigye) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (georgebossman) |
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Today in the world: "Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (sont) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (unloadthebrain) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (jbmagalhaesneto) |
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Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (guntur_0212) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (ukluxforyou) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (basildontaxis) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (cheetahaudio14) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO pic.twitter.com/iJcPiXoMfT — (aplombfashions) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (tibettruth) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (thinknbewealthy) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (4n1ket) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://nyti.ms/2CP3Bsc — (flash_feed) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/01/world/asia/pakistan-terrorism-china-saudi-arabia.html?partner=IFTTT … — (jerel_me) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (kreidlyosama) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (malenkawarner) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (smarthere) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (guyarceneaux) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (meetsand) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (matt_mero) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (cotalla41) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (wejustsayit) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (d789s101112) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (tunez9ja_com) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (arturo8574) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (tdailynew1) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (attilabokor) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (chrisabraham) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (onyemaizuchi) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (talktalktwins) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (unlikeanything) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (virat_garg) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (sentexts) |
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Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing #news #viralnews http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (daily_news__) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (lfundadores) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (georgebossman) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (topshelfplay) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (booutique) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (margotleiser) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (kathleenporter) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (herzukka) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (aximum_c) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (eng_moe_a) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (saherayi_15) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (simplyshahriar) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (oh_fame_) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (jr_labady) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (foodiemcbooty) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (drknemesis) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (2dressu) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (dewi54512664) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (phooll123) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (greg_burstock) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (schrayguy) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (postkob) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (primkray125) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (gander_news_a1) |
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Terrorism, United States International Relations, International Relations "Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (strong_girl2012) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (master_logician) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (skinnclans) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (samturpin) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (trabajocontinuo) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (_the_avenue_) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (raphaelstonem) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (travelgirlbeth) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (arvi_jo) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (mcguirp) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (kundacoffee) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (melbadufx1) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO pic.twitter.com/FIY1epRLAM — (monubadshah2) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (arpit_kotecha) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (simple4now) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (geoffrogerseu) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (pressshare) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (tiancaidingyi) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT The New York Times http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO — (rememberyourwhy) |
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"Pakistan’s Shields Suddenly Step Aside, Placing It on Terrorism Listing" by MARIA ABI-HABIB and SALMAN MASOOD via NYT http://ift.tt/2CRDeBO #Afghanistan pic.twitter.com/bp7FsTi2Di — (afghanherald) |
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