Programming for Journalists - Free Online Course

Knowing how to code is an important skill to have for a digital journalist.

You can put your coding skills to very important uses. For example, you can use code to find and gather information on the web via web scraping. You can use code to make data visualizations. You can use code to display your stories in a better way. And you can use code to create your own websites and platforms. The possibilities are unlimited. Knowing how to code will definitely make you a better journalist.

This is a free course

Why is this a free course? This is a free course because I want to build and be a part of a community of journalists who know how to code. This will help us learn from each other, build better things together, create awareness in the industry, and build our careers. This will be a great thing.

What will I teach?

The following is a rough course outline:

  • Basics of HTML and CSS
  • Foundational concepts of Javascript
  • Introduction to Python
  • Web Scraping with Python
  • What are APIs and how to use them?
  • Data Visualization with
  • How to learn things on your own
  • How to find, copy, and paste code from The Internet (very important)
  • Final Project: Build a website or write a story using above skills.

What should you already know?

English language and how to turn on your computer. I will start everything from basics.

How will I teach?

Classes will be on Zoom, we will also record the classes for later reference.

Fill out the following form and I will get back to you as soon as I am ready with the course material.

The Pledge

Everyone who is joining the course must take the following pledge:

  • Coding is not hard. I have everything in me to learn all this. I will be great at this.
  • This course will put me on a path to lifelong learning, I will never stop learning.
  • Whatever I learn here, and everything I learn on my own, I will pass it on to someone else and keep the flame going.
  • We all will learn together, everyone has a different pace, so we will learn together and leave no one behind.
  • I will not be mean to anyone in class, respect each other's boundaries, not harass anyone or make anyone uncomfortable with my words or actions.
  • I will make the class a safe space for everyone.
  • I will not disciminate against anyone based on their identity.
  • I will take this course seriously and I will do all the work assigned to me.
  • I will have fun learning together.
  • That's it! Positive energy and happy learning.